Share this postthe Poet Jared ChristianNumber SixCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreNumber SixPainted BlackJared ChristianNov 09, 20241Share this postthe Poet Jared ChristianNumber SixCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareArticle voiceover1×0:00-0:50Audio playback is not supported on your browser. Please upgrade.Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishednumber six painted black on wall of white above my door as sign of threat to the wind of the road a nomad's only home Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedCommentary: Looking behind or ahead, we can miss what's right in front of us. Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedWriting Prompt: What do you miss about the past, love about the present, and long for in the future? SubscribeSharePreviousNext